Genome of a Gengis Kan Descendant Sequenced in China
Beijing, Dec 19. -Chinese scientists have finished sequencing the genome of a direct descendant of Gengis Kan, the founder of the Mongol Empire, sources linked to the program reported.This is the first human genome of a Mongol, said Zhou Huanmin, project leader and head of the biological research lab at the Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, in northeastern China.
The man, from whom blood was extracted for the test, belongs to the Sunit tribe in Xilingol, and was identified as a descendant to the 34th-generation of Genghis Khan (1162-1227), a warrior who unified the mongol tribes and conquered a major part of Eurasia.
The research team will continue sequencing the genomes of another 199 ethnic Mongolians to build a database of the Mongolian genetic code, Zhou told reporters. (Prensa Latina)