Solidarity with Cuban 5 in South Africa, Russia
Havana, Nov 9. -The cause of freedom for five Cubans serving terms in U.S. prisons has found new advocates in places as disparate as South Africa and Russia.In South Africa, the Association of Friendship with Cuba and the South African Communist Party reaffirmed on Wednesday in Bloemfontein their rejection of the U.S.-imposed blockade on the island and demanded the release of the Cuban Five, as they are universally known.
During an activity attended by nearly 200 people, Orlaida Cabrera, director of the African and Middle East department of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples, expressed gratitude for the solidarity with Cuba.
In Russia, two of the wives of the Cuban Five denounced on the Russia Today television channel the injustices committed against them and demanded their return to Cuba.
Adriana Perez, spouse of Gerardo Hernandez, sentenced to double life imprisonment and fifteen years more, and Elizabeth Palmeiro, wife of Ramon Labañino, sentenced to life imprisonment plus 18 years of jail, reiterated the petition to the U.S. government to free the Cuban Five, who were detained in September 1998.
Ramon, Gerardo, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando Gonzalez and Rene Gonzalez, now under supervised freedom after serving his term, were condemned to harsh sentences from 15 years to double life plus fifteen years for monitoring the terrorist actions of anti-Cuban groups based in Florida, U.S. (Prensa Latina)