Syria Internationally Backed amid Hostility
Damascus, Nov 8. -Amid an intensification of hostilities, particularly since the statements by Arab leaders that Damascus considered confusing, Syria continues to be backed by other countries and political leaders.Russia, through a communiqué issued by the Foreign Ministry, urged the Syrian opposition to abandon any links with armed groups supplied from abroad.
Statements by countries of the West arouse concern; the United States urged armed groups not to hand over their military equipment and not to accept the offer of a general amnesty decreed by President Bashar al-Assad.
On the other hand, Russia reiterated its support to the plan porposed by the Arab League (AL), accepted by Damascus, to solve the crisis, as well as Damascus´ willingness to implement it.
In statements to Syria´s SANA news agency, Secretary General of the Russian Communist Party Gennady Zyuganov condemned the U.S. provocations encouraging terrorist actions in Syria.
Zyuhanov recalled that Washington and other countries currently harassing Syria, committed or backed the brutal crime against Libya warning that the sole objective of this campaign is overthrowing the Syrian Government. (Prensa Latina)