
Southern Camaguey students committed to Cuban revolution

Yanailín Pérez Rodríguez was selected as president of the Federation of High School Students (FEEM) in Santa Cruz del Sur. The elections took place during the Local Assembly of this organization, which was carried out yesterday at Education Sector Headquarters.The correct wearing of the school uniform, the internal work of the organization and the role of its members in the defense of the country were some of the subjects debated in such meeting.

Likewise, it was also mentioned the importance of the study as the main duty of a student, the need to prioritize the enrolment in pedagogical carriers and the female incorporation to Voluntary Military Service.

In any case, delegates to the FEEM Assembly in Southern Camaguey ratified their commitment of continuing the revolutionary work, while they demanded justice for the Five Cuban Heroes. (Yanayma Rodríguez Molina / Radio Santa Cruz)