
Intl Meetings on Alzheimer in Cuba

Havana, Oct 13. -A practical guide on the comprehensive care of patients with Alzheimer's Disease will capture the attention of participants in courses prior to the Ibero-American Congress on Alzheimer to be opened at the Havana Conference Center on October 20-22, sponsored by the International Federation and its Cuban chapter.

Debates will focus on the analysis of clinical evidence and the opinion of experts, as well as their implementation in Spanish speaking countries, according to the website created for the event.

The methodology includes key definitions on physiopathology, risk factors, prevention, genetic study and diagnosis of dementia, one of the signs of Alzheimer, a neurodegenerative disease.

The program of meetings prior to the congress also includes issues related to palliative care of the elderly with dementia and aging as a prior step to Alzheimer´s disease, among other topics.

Neurologists, psychiatrists and psychologists from the Dominican Republic, Peru, Venezuela, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Spain, Britain, the United States and Cuba are expected to take part in the 4th Ibero-American Congress on Alzheimer´s Disease, aimed at management and prevention.

The 9th Meeting of the Alzheimer Associations of Ibero-America and the International Forum on Dementia Prevention will also be in session. (Prensa Latina)