
Cuba Denounces Lack of Justice for Terrorist Actions

Havana, Oct 2. -Relatives of the thousands of victims of terrorist acts against Cuba suffer their loss without the consolation of justice, on Sunday reminded the newspaper Juventud Rebelde.According to the daily, Cuba will honor on October 6 the death of 73 innocent people in the terrorist attack to a Cuban airliner 35 years ago.

Since then, their families and the relatives of the thousands of victims of other terrorist actions against the Island suffer their loss without the consolation of justice, the newspaper said.

Voices from around the world have denounced that terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, mastermind of this and other criminal acts against Cuba, walks the streets of Miami with impunity.

Young Cubans of different student organizations and leaders of the Union of Young Communists carry a message of solidarity to those suffering the consequences of terrorism against Cuba. (Prensa Latina)