
Stone Soup won first prize Theater Festival

Sopa de Piedra(Stone Soup) an oral narration, interpreted by Santa Cruz del Sur born Chávez Díaz and Nelson Nápoles Francés, obtained the First Prize in the Theater Provincial Festival carried out in Camaguey with the participation of handicapped people.

Both actors are members of the National Association for the Blind (ANCI) in Southern Camaguey, they represented this territory in that recently finished event at the Camagueyan Guiñol Theater.

Such distinction gives them the opportunity to participate in the Theater National Encounter taking place in Santa Clara next month.

Once again, ANCI affiliates climbed up to the podium and ratify art, sports, and recreation are part of the activities that handicapped can successfully develop. (Rolando Canaura Sánchez/ Radio Santa Cruz)