Chileans March for Better Education
Santiago de Chile, Aug 9 .- More than 100,000 protesters marched on Tuesday to demand a reform of education in Chile. Disturbances were observed at times, according to complaints of student leaders and other social sectors, caused by infiltrators to create a violent image of the student movement.
The president of the Student Federation of Chile Camila Vallejo said they marched peacefully.
Dozens of police cars blocked access to the Alameda, which is Santiago's main avenue, to prevent the passage of the demonstrators.
Last Thursday, university and high school students wanted to march down the avenue, despite the refusal of the government of Santiago, which resulted in more than 800 people arrested, and dozens affected by tear gas thrown by police.
In addition to the thousands of protesters, residents supported the students from their balconies with balloons and banging pots.
Today, the United Workers Central, mining and other sectors of society joined the demonstration.
Students called for another protest on Thursday. (Prensa Latina)