Protests End, Bolivia-Peru Border Reopens
Lima, Jun 27. -The Bolivian-Peruvian border was reopened Monday in the southern Andean region of Puno, after environmental demands that triggered a long strike by the Aymara indigenous communities were met.
The decision to reopen the border was made last night during a mass assembly of the Aymaran community in the town of Desaguadero-Peru.
The strike and border closing were suspended for the presidential election on June 5, won by Ollanta Humala, who obtained more than 70 percent of the vote in Puno.
After visiting Bolivia last week, Humala called upon the government of outgoing President Alan Garcia to peacefully solve ongoing social conflicts, and not to leave him a "minefield."
The solution to the border region conflict was reached after the government agreed to meet the Aymara demands, which had been rejected throughout the conflict.
The government agreed to annul a mining concession for a Canadian company due to irregularities; establish a moratorium on concessions, and condition prospecting operations to holding consultations with indigenous communities.
The administration also issued a decree that prioritizes the cleaning up of the Ramis River from toxic substances used in informal mining. (Prensa Latina)