
Portugal-Cuba Group Reaffirms Solidarity with Cuban Five

Portugal-Cuba Group Reaffirms Solidarity with Cuban FiveLisbon, Dec 15. -The Portugal-Cuba Friendship Association reaffirmed its solidarity with the cause of the five Cuban antiterrorist fighters unjustly imprisoned in the United States for the last 12 years for protecting their country from violent actions.

During a meeting in the city of Moita, the Portuguese friendship movement renewed its commitment to the Cuban Revolution and the Cuban Five, as they are universally known.

The event joined the campaign "Five days for the Five," launched on Friday, coinciding with International Human Rights Day.

Sponsored by the International Committee to Free the Five, the objective of the crusade is to denounce the unjust imprisonment Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labañino, Rene Gonzalez, Antonio Guerrero and Fernando Gonzalez.

Angelo Alves of the Portuguese Communist Party, Antonio Figueiredo of the Friendship Association, Rui Garcia, vice president of the local government, and Ivette Garcia, first secretary of the Cuban embassy in Lisbon, talked about the human rights violations committed against the Five.

On the occasion of the 62nd anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Portuguese Committee to Free the Five ask U.S. President Barack Obama to free Gerardo, Antonio, Ramon, Rene and Fernando. (Prensa Latina)