Food program advances in Southern Camaguey
Santa Cruz del Sur, Oct 5. –At the end of August of the current year, the people from South Camaguey had received a major per capita of agricultural products than the same stage in the past year.
In the eighth month of the year, the tuber production reached the 31 per cent of the plan, and there were collected 700 tons more that in the same period of 2009.
Likewise, vegetables reached the 67 per cent of the plan, with 500 tons more than in August of the previous period.
Moreover, the cow meat collection is in the 78 per cent of the fulfillment, with 125tons delivered, which represents a increase of this point in the territory.
Such results evidence that, we are still far from reaching the optimization; we are seeing already good results in the agriculture production, which represents a great step forward in this sector of vital importance in the food collection for the population. (Hugo Betancourt Mayoral/ Radio Santa Cruz)