Chavez Announces Offensive against Landlordism
Caracas, Oct 4. – President Hugo Chavez announced this month will mark the beginning of the deepening of the crusade against landlordism in Venezuela, whose main goal is to reclaim land for food production.
He said in Alo Presidente show, that in October they will begin a new offensive to rescue lands. "Let not be a large land property in Venezuela", he said.
For the President the recovery of those lands is a key in the commitment to turn Venezuela into an agricultural-industrial power.
He said they have to create a new economic model to guarantee food safety and set some workers free from the "slavery" imposed by the legal owners of those lands.
According to Chavez, Lara, Apure and south of Maracaibo lake (Zulia) territories, are going to be targets of the agrarian revolution.
The Venezuela's National Land Institute, the Armed Forces and the peasants fronts are going to be in charged of the land rescue.(Prensa Latina)