
Ecuador Highlighted ALBA-TCP Summit

Ecuador Highlighted ALBA-TCP SummitQuito, Jun. -Ecuador has pointed out the importance of the Summit of the Bolivarian Alliance of the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) and the Treaty of Commerce of the Peoples (TCP) in Otavalo next Thursday and Friday.

In a meeting with accredited foreign journalists, the Ecuadorian Minister of Peoples, Social Movements and Citizen Participation Alexandra Ocles confirmed the participation of about 300 indigenous and Afro-descendants of the region.

Representing Ecuador in this summit will participate a delegation led by President Rafael Correa and about 100 indigenous and Afro-descendants, among assemblymen, mayors, governors, parish and city councilors.

The presence of Bolivia is ratified with a delegation of around 75 indigenous authorities, headed by President Evo Morales and senior officials of his government and the participation of Venezuela with a large delegation.

Also Cuba confirmed its participation with the presence of a vice president at the head of its delegation, and details are still in process of the remaining eight countries that comprise the ALBA and other guests.

Ocles stated as a central objective of the meeting the need to organize initiatives and experiences in the governance of elected indigenous and Afro-descendants officials.

That is the reason of the proposal of constituting a Commission of the authorities to advance in the future creation of a Council of Indigenous and Afro-descendants in the ALBA.

He also said to Prensa Latina this commission will make a roadmap of several issues to deepen in this summit, which can still be worked by each nation to finally articulate regional policies. 23 (Prensa Latina)