Socialist Victory Certain in Venezuelan Parliament
Caracas, Jun 23. -The National Chief of the Campaign Command of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela Aristóbulo assured on Tuesday the victory of the ruling group in the parliamentary elections in September 26.
For Istúriz, the victory is assured, so the real PSUVâ�Ös goal will be to meet at the polls at least two thirds of the 165 deputies.
At Alba hotel, were the Socialists are outlined their campaign for the parliamentary elections, Istúriz declared they have the absolute conviction they have the majority, but the challenge is to achieve hegemony, meaning more than 110 seats
According to him, the two thirds from the chamber are key to strengthening the process of change led by Hugo Chávez.
"That is the amount needed to approve the organic laws, the budget law and international conventions", he said.
Istúriz declared on July 5 about two million PSUV members will be deployed throughout the country in search of votes.
"Each one will influence 10 Venezuelans to cover the entire electoral universe", he said. (Prensa Latina)