
Cuba Denounces Injustice against One of Cuban 5

Havana, Sep 28. -To oblige Rene Gonzalez, one of the five Cuban antiterrorist fighters unjustly held in U.S. prisons, to stay in that country for three years more after his release from prison, is a deliberate additional reprisal, Granma newspaper reported on Wednesday.

In an editorial entitled "New U.S. injustice against the Cuban Five," as they are universally known, the daily stated that Gonzalez will release from prison on Oct. 7 after having completed fulfilled and suffered the brutal and unjust sentence imposed on him.

The daily stated that on September 16, Florida district court Judge Joan A. Lenard denied the motion filed by Gonzalez on February 16, 2011, to allow him to return to Cuba to be with his wife, two daughters and his parents.

Gonzalez is unjustly obliged to stay in the United States for three years more under a regime of supervised "freedom," states the text.

That decision, after 13 years in solitary confinement, is a deliberate additional reprisal, boosted by the same motivations of political revenge characterized by rigged judicial processes with which the Cuban Five were sentenced in 2001, the daily noted.

Behind that is the U.S. government, which has protected for years terrorism against the island, as well as terrorist people and organizations settled in that country, responsible for causing death, pain and suffering to thousands of Cubans.

Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando Gonzalez and Rene Gonzalez have been subjected since 1998 to cruel and degrading treatments, the publication stated. They have also supported pressures and abuses, included the separation of their loved ones, with admirable fortitude, without the slightest concession in their convictions, character and exemplary behavior as prisoners, Granma stated.

The judge´s response has no justification, it is intended that Gonzalez stays at the United States, where it is known that his life is in danger and the most prominent terrorism organizations and people live there, the daily stated. (Prensa Latina)