
Cuba: New studies this week to detect Covid-19

Havana, May 12.- Cuba´s Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) announced the carrying-out of population studies this week aimed at detecting possible Covid-19 cases not yet identified, in order to further progress in controlling the disease.


Francisco Duran, director of Epidemiology of MINSAP, said in a press briefing that the new studies will reach a representative number of communities across the country and, whether new affected localities appear they will immediately act with all necessary measures.

According to Dr. Duran, the tests will be carried out by using real-time PCR and SUMA´s ELISA technique, a diagnostic system developed by Cuban scientists.

A few days ago, Dr. Duran detailed that those domestically-manufactured tests are ready and have already been assessed.

He also explained that SUMA technology is an ultramicroanalytical system that has been long used in Cuba to diagnose several diseases such as dengue.

Mentioning its advantages, Dr. Duran stressed that these are domestically-manufactured tests, therefore they are not subject to the ups and downs of the international market or the economic US blockade imposed on Cuba, which on many occasions has been hindering the purchase of medical equipment and supplies for the Cuban health system. (Prensa Latina)