
Cuba: Outbreak of Waterborne Intestinal Infection Is Over

Cuba: Outbreak of Waterborne Intestinal Infection Is OverHavana, Aug 28.- An outbreak of a water-borne gastrointestinal infection that broke out last July in the eastern province of Granma has been successfully eradicated, The Cuban Ministry of Public Heath informed.

In a statement published by newspaper Granma, the Health Ministry declared the infection eradicated after no more cases has been reported in the last ten days.

The official note praised the work carried out by health authorities and institutions in the affected areas and the conscious and effective cooperation of the population.

It also recalled that the outbreak originated in contaminated water systems in the eastern city of Manzanillo, Granma province, while other cases elsewhere in Granma, Santiago de Cuba and Havana were detected in people who had traveled from Manzanillo.

A total of 417 people sickened were confirmed, of whom only three died.(Radio Cadena Agramonte )