
Chicxulub Crater and its Geology at Cuban Convention

Chicxulub Crater and its Geology at Cuban ConventionHavana, Apr 7. -A master lecture on the Chicxulub meteor impact, a phenomenon believed to have killed off the dinosaurs, captured the interest of participants at the Geosciences 2011 Convention.

As part of the Geology Congress, being held in parallel with the convention, French academic Claude Rangin of the Collÿge de France will discuss the relationship between the Paleocene tectonic and geodynamic evolution in southern Mexico and the northern Caribbean.

Also from France, Bernar Meicier will speak on the geological arguments for a Miocene initiation of the northern fault of the Cayman Trench.

The program also includes a symposium on exploration and exploitation of nickel laterites, and a workshop on the closure of mines and the environmental liabilities of mining and challenges in the 21st century.

Researches from Venezuela, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Cuba are attending the 4th Cuban Earth Sciences Convention, to conclude on April 8. (Prensa Latina)