
Santa Cruz del Sur to promote energy saving in Children Care Center

Santa Cruz del Sur to promote energy saving in Children Care CenterSanta Cruz del Sur, Mar 13. –The staff from “La Espiguita Dorada” Children Care Center, which belongs to Cándido González Popular Council, in Santa Cruz del Sur, developed an activity dedicated to the Saving Program, specially to water and energy saving.

The Forum Day was attended by 12 educators from the teacher’s staff, and it was full of works where there were several genres, such as, poetry, stories, songs, and teaching aids.

Five of the presentations were selected, those of Olga Lidia Hernández, Eneleisis Campos, Leannis Cruz, Yumislaidy Arista and Norisber Pérez are among them, besides, the new pines contributed with their drawings where those of Ewelier González and Alexander Piñeiro stand out.

This is all part of the tribute being paid in order to mark the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Children Care Centers and the Playa Girón’s Victory, said Miriam Romero, spokesperson of this entity. (Rolando Canaura Sánchez / Radio Santa Cruz)