
Santa Cruz to reinforce road safety

Santa Cruz to reinforce road safetySanta Cruz del Sur, Nov 17. –The Transit and Road Local Comisión in Santa Cruz del Sur has several objectives for the curret campaign, all of them aimed to reinforce the road safety and the accidents prevention.

Its necessary to stand out the For de Mayo hitch hiking pint. Likewise, the prohibition to trucks to enter or out through K street, and the signposting of the road movement at the 50 Anniversary District are among the agrrments to be solved.

The increase of the technical inspections to the trabsport, to reveiw the updating of the pick up of people by the drivers, and improving the demand on the compliance of the Law 60 and to control more thoroughly the authorizations of state vehicuar traffic on weekends, are part of the group of actions to be taken such comission in southern Camaguey.

Another aspect wil be the analysis of those vehicles that does not have the technical conditions required for the transportation of people, takig into account the height of the handrails and other accessories, aprt from taking up again the driving licence exams in the territory, to which it is necessary to improve the signponits contiditions. (Rolando Canaura Sánchez / Radio Santa Cruz)