[:es]Scientific event in Kazakhstan demands end of US Blockade on Cuba[:]
[:es]Astana, Nov 23.- The International Scientific Conference of the Communist Parties dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, held in Kazakhstan, demanded the eve, the end of the U.S. economic, financial and commercial blockade on Cuba.
Sponsored by the Communist People’s Party of Kazakhstan (CPPK), the event, which brought together representatives of communist parties and embassies of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Georgia, China, Vietnam and Cuba, demanded the end of the criminal U.S. blockade.
Those attending the event, held in this capital, described Washington’s policy as an act of war against the island.
The leadership of the Central Committee of the CPPK ratified its solidarity and support for Cuba, after advocating a condemnation, in the framework of the Conference, on the blockade imposed to the island by the United States more than 55 years ago.
Such a policy of economic siege negatively affects the quality of live and rights of the Cuban people, it is a violation of the norms of general international law, the United Nations Charter and free trade rights, the text states. The condemnatory document was supported by all the participants in the forum.
We declare our decisive support to the recently adopted resolution on the blockade of the UN General Assembly, where 191 countries voted in favor and only the United States and Israel voted against it, the text says.
We hope that this international organization will deploy concrete initiatives for the implementation of the successive resolutions adopted in demand of the immediate end of the blockade on Cuba, the PCPK stressed. (PL)[:]