Cuban president defends science and innovation system
We have to work in different sectors, while continuing to work in the valuable field of social sciences to obtain better results in government management, the president said in the Yara movie theater in Havana.
Diaz Canel defended the strategy of promoting and increasing the training of doctors, because it is crucial to have highly qualified personnel to carry out development programs based on science, technology and innovation.
At this time, it is imperative to develop the territories, namely municipalities and provinces, from these points the country has to start moving forward, and for this purpose there are working groups with scientific advice, he said.
The head of State explained the need for a stronger interconnection in the universe of science, technology and innovation.
Among the main functions of the government’s management system, he defined that it allows, among other aspects, to place priorities, implement knowledge in the decision-making process, support the formulation, follow-up and assessment of public policies, promote interactions and eliminate obstacles.
The management system created allows for systematic dialogue between scientists and the Government, and this working style can be extended to address other complex problems, he said.
We want a great impact of knowledge on development, not only in the scientific field, but also in local projects, among other sectors of the country.
It is not only about innovating in technology, but also in structures, organization and management processes, Diaz-Canel noted.
The president recalled Cuba’s scenario, marked by the economic battle and the intensified economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States for more than 60 years to Cuba. This policy deprived Cuba, during the most complex stage of the Covid-19 pandemic, of obtaining pulmonary ventilators and supplies.
However, thanks to knowledge, science and innovation, it was possible to overcome those obstacles and we were even able to develop such equipment here, in addition to homegrown vaccine candidates that nowadays allow us to show remarkable results in the control of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
“We have learned that science and innovation have an answer for everything,” the president concluded. (Taken from Prensa Latina)