
Argentine workers to go on strike on August 7

Buenos Aires, Aug 1.- Rodolfo Aguiar, general secretary of the Argentine State Workers’ Association (ATE), confirmed this Wednesday that a national strike will be held on August 7 to show the unity of trade union, social, religious, and human rights organizations.
Aguiar told Radio 10 station that the protest will start the second stage of resistance against the Government of President Javier Milei and take place on the Feast of San Cayetano, the patron saint of bread and labor.

“We have a different country than last year. People’s lives have been destroyed. The Executive has run out of excuses. They said the opposition does not want to vote on the projects in Congress but the Law of Bases has already been approved and the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) 70/23 is in force. However, they are aggravating the crisis,” he pointed out.

We have gone from a recession to an economic depression; the fall is deeper and more persistent. There is a poverty rate of 55 percent and a destitution rate of 17 percent.

The ATE secretary general noted that in seven months, 178,000 jobs have been destroyed and most Argentines are in debt. Sales have dropped and medicines are no longer available. Agencies are being closed and we are being fired.”

The union leader affirmed that due to these reasons, a new national strike will be called “to break the current tense calm.” (Take from Prensa Latina)