All roads of the Palenque Summit led to the U.S. (+Photos)
It was a brief meeting, and as its organizer Andrés Manuel López Obrador said, twice as good, because it initiated a new kind of regional union to seek a decent solution to a shameful situation created by the great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren of John L. O’Sullivan and James Monroe, who think like them to chain Latin America and the Caribbean.
The fact is that, until this moment of change that humanity is going through, the community affected by the migratory exodus had not met to analyze and judge its deepest causes, and Palenque contributed in just two or three hours of analysis, not only to diagnose, but to face them with a victorious vision.
While all the analyses of the 12 leaders had the United States and its aggressive foreign policy unbefitting of the new times at the center of their criticisms, the solutions also lead to that same country, which rejects that the best thing for everyone is a good neighbourhood reltion different from that of James Monroe. (Taken from Prensa Latina)