Cuba Advocates at UNESCO for Peaceful Solution in Syria
Paris, Oct 2 .- Cuba said today at the UNESCO that preventing an attack against Syria so that peace might prevail is the international community''s most urgent priority, and reiterated its support for initiatives promoting a negotiated solution to the conflict.
"Syria is in the crosshairs, in a turbulent Middle East bled by wars and fratricidal conflicts spurred on by foreign interests and blatant interventionism," Cuban representative to the UNESCO Executive Board, Juan Antonio Fernandez, said.
Fernandez expressed his country's unequivocal support for responsible initiatives that seek a negotiated resolution, with full respect for the independence, sovereignty, and right to self-determination of the Syrian people.
In his speech at the 192nd session of UNESCO Executive Board, the Cuban official denounced the scandalous and massive indiscriminate espionage system of the United States, which has triggered a wave of global condemnation.
In that sense, the Cuban representative expressed his firm support for the initiative presented by Brazil, for UNESCO and its Board to Council discuss the issue of "internet privacy and ethics."
In his speech, Fernandez also referred to the crisis the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization is suffering, due to unpaid U.S. dues.
Washington suspended its contributions to UNESCO two years ago, in retaliation for the admission of Palestine to that forum as a full member.
The Cuban delegate also welcomed the decision of the Program's Advisory Committee for World Memory to include the Life and Work of Ernesto Che Guevara in its International Register.
"As the General Conference date approaches, our sights are set on all that remains to be done so that the UNESCO can be recognized for its leadership and contribution to peace in an insecure world and for its contribution to development and the eradication of poverty," said Fernandez. (Prensa Latina)