Experts Debate Agrarian Cooperativism in Cuba
Havana, Apr 25.- Cooperativism is one of the issues on debate on Wednesday in this capital at the 18th International Congress on Agrarian Law, attended by jurists, judges and other professionals from the sector from 13 nations. The benefits of the cooperative model for its members and its contribution to the economic and social development of the States are also on the list.
The program also includes the lecture "Comprehensive Management System for Basic Units of Cooperative Production (UBPC)" by Alcides Lopez, director of the National Training Center of the Ministry of Agriculture.
Another activity will be the exhibition "Considerations about an Upcoming Legislation on Cooperatives in Cuba."
Speaking at the opening session on Tuesday, Roy Ramon, president of the Cuban Society of Agricultural Law, invited the 180 participants in the event to talk about Cooperativism, which promotes values of autonomy and independence.
The congress is sponsored by the Cuban Agrarian Law Society and other national, regional and international organizations from the sector. The United Nations has declared 2012 as the International Year of Cooperatives. (Prensa Latina)