
Mexico: 15 People Massacred in Bar in Chihuahua

Mexico, Apr 21.- An armed commando of hired assassins murdered 15 people in a bar in the city of Chihuahua, the capital of the Mexican state of the same name, local media reported on Saturday. The gunmen entered the bar El Colorado, on Cipres and Gonzalez Cossio streets, in the neighbourhood of Granjas, and opened fire at customers, waiters and musicians, the state Prosecutor's Office reported.

Authorities are investigating the motive of the attack, but according to unofficial stories, it was a revenge for the arrest this week of Luis Guillermo Castillo, a.k.a. El Pariente, who was a member of a criminal gang.

A witness said the murderers asked for two men, and when nobody answered, they began shooting. (Prensa Latina)