
UN Fears Famine Worsening in Somalia

United Nations, Nov 19. -The UN has envisioned a possible worsening of the famine in several parts of Somalia, a crisis which may continue in 2012, in spite of a relatively positive impact of increasing humanitarian assistance.According to Valerie Amos, UN secretary general in charge of the assistance, the increasing assistance helped to alleviate famine-hit regions like Bay, Bakool and Lower Shabelle, which changed from famine to less severe than famine status.

Meanwhile, the vaccination campaigns halved measles cases, while the food supply already reached two and a half million people and drinking water was made accessible to one million.

However, the Horn of Africa continues to be under the world's greatest humanitarian crisis, with four million people requiring emergency assistance, the official said.

Amos warned of a possible outbreak of diseases transmitted through water, which demanded greater care and prevention to ensure the safety of the liquid and prevent the onset of cholera and diarrhea.

She also stated that malnutrition and mortality rates in southern Somalia are the world's highest. (Prensa Latina)