
Cuba’s Work Leading Disarmament Conference Acknowledges

Geneva, Sep 19. -Cuba has received innumerable recognitions at the end of its work leading the Disarmament Conference in Geneva, which will conclude in October with the presentation of the annual report.The United Nations Office's official sources in Geneva state that during 2011, the forum had had the presidencies of Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, North Korea and Cuba.

This time, Cuban ambassador in Geneva Rodolfo Reyes has the mission to take the report to the UN General Assembly period of sessions in New York.

Reyes thanked on behalf of his country the numerous expressions of gratitude for the effective conduct of the single organization for multilateral negotiations on disarmament at the UN.

Cuba has worked motivated in the urgent necessity to revitalize the forumâ�Ös works, a requirement for the consecution of the objective of a general and complete disarmament, and particularly, the goal for a world free of nuclear weapons, Reyes said. (Prensa Latina)