Cuba: Jurists Debate Int’l Law in Conflicts
Havana, Jun 23. -The armed conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya and the application of international law by the United Nations in each of those cases will be debated Thursday in this capital by jurists from 11 countries.
The Israeli-Palestinian problem will be also analyzed during the 5th International Summer School on Public International Law and the 7th Seminar-Workshop on International Humanitarian Law.
Delegates reflected Wednesday on the responsibility of countries to fulfill agreements signed in the UN and the issue of impunity.
Nicolas Fernandez, a member of the Cuban International Law Society and professor of Public International Law at the University of Havana, stated that impunity is the same as injustice, and this negation of justice promotes war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and forced disappearances.
Delegates agreed during the event that the UN faces greater challenges in terms of human rights.
They called to be alert to US discourse on changes to its foreign policy, because its real objective is to maintain hegemony in the world, and for that reason it resorts to unilateralism, partnerships and strategic alliances in makes itself the undisputed leader.
The conference will end Friday at the emblematic Hotel Nacional, under the auspices of the National Union of Jurists of Cuba. (Prensa Latina)