Russia: Free the Cuban Five
Moscow, Jun 8 (Prensa Latina) Russian organizations of solidarity with Cuba demanded today to the American president Barack Obama the release of the five Cuban antiterrorists and also the end of the American embargo, said today some diplomatic sources. A letter delivered in the US Embassy in this city, repeated the demand to free the Cuban five, which are unfairly jailed in the United States for more than 12 years. In the same missive some leftâ�Ös organizations like Venceremos, the Russian National Committee and the digital channel KTV also demand a trial against the terrorist Luis Posada Carriles.
The document also denounced the double intention applied by Washington in the use of antiterrorist policy, when it maintains in prison five Cuban heroes and releases Posada Carriles, before a judicial farce in El Paso, Texas.
As the same time the document denounces the reappearance of extremely rightâ�Ös positions in the Committee of Foreign Relations of the House of Representatives, since the presence there of Ileana Ros- Lehtinen.
The United States has become in head place of meetings of the ultraconservatives elements of the western hemisphere, which openly call to the terror and the aggression against Cuba and other "inconvenient" nations.
The missive stresses that the decisions approved by the VI Congress of the Cuban Communist Party in order to update his socialist system talked the lack of perspective to isolate the Caribbean nation and to broke her intern stability.
It also fight for the permission to Olga Salanueva and Adriana Perez O' Connor to visit their husbands, which are jailed because their job in order to avoid terrorist activities by some extreme right groups in Miami against Cuba and the United States.
Finally the letter sent to Obama asks to cancel the extraterritorial law Helm-Burton and some other legislation that contradict the international obligations assumed by the United States.