Cuba to Host Renewable Energy Event
Havana, May 31. -Almost 200 scientists, professionals and business people from more than 15 countries are expected to attend the 7th International Conference for Renewable Energy, Energy Conservation and Energy Education, CIER 2011.
The conference opens on June 1 and will run for three days at the Havana Conference Center.
Participants will debate efforts aimed at strengthening the production of renewable energy technologies and increasing energy efficiency and culture, organizing committee president Tania Carbonell told Prensa Latina.
The event was convened by the Center for the Study of Renewable Energy Technologies, of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Jose Antonio Echeverria Higher Polytechnic Institute.
Its many sponsors include the World Wind Energy Association and its Latin American counterpart.
The 3rd Workshop on Wind Energy, the 2nd Workshop on Biomass and Biogas, and the 1st Workshop on Combustible Hydrogen will run parallel to the event, Carbonell stated.
Also on the list is the 3rd Cuba-Italy Meeting, focused on the use of renewable technologies in the preservation of heritage, from artwork to buildings, and a meeting of the National Group for Energy Efficiency. (Prensa Latina)