Santa Cruz Radio Station reinaugurated
Santa Cruz del Sur. –After eight months of hard work, Radio Santa Cruz Radio Station was reinaugurated last December 29th with the presence of Guillermo Pavón Pacheco, Vice-president of the Cuban Radio and Television Institute (ICRT).
All the offices and studios are brand new after the restoration carried out in this 42-year old building.
Every person making a contribution to this important task was honoured during the act, including construction workers, telecommunications workers, sewer system workers and also the workers from the correspondent’s office.
The Artista de Merito of the Cuban Radio Distinction became a special moment for the sound producer and program director Deysi Alcalás Mojena.
It was also awarded the effort of the workers of this radio station who supported the remodelling of the building all the time and it was without putting their own job aside.
Adelfa Valdés, César Arredondo and Romelio Cruz, all of them announcer from Santa Cruz del Sur, accompanied the Radio Santa Cruz Radio Station staff.
In his conclusion words, the directive of the ICRT congratulated the staff and exhorted them to work with quality in order to keep offering the people the message they are always waiting for.
Provincial and local authorities, from the Communist Party and the People’s Power, and also representatives of various entities from Southern Camaguey took part in this event. (Daine Torres Corzo / Radio Santa Cruz)