Santa Cruz del Sur born people attend the call of the Defense
Santa Cruz del Sur, Dec 6. –Homeland called its sons again in two days of preparation for the defense. The people from Southern Camaguey punctually attended to fulfil the missions, in order to colossally keep on protecting the conquests of the Socialism and the incomparable work we keep consolidating in commemoration of the anniversaries 52nd of the Triumph of the Revolution and 54th of the Granma yacht disembarkation.
In the Popular Councils, zones and Production and Defense Brigades, people’s combat disposition was checked out, some route’s were covered, and the preparation of support-groups at all levels was carried out.
Students also participated in this exercise and attended schools in order to develop patriotic activities from there. Activities like first-aid training, bearings through natural means by using the compass card, and they also put into practice the knowledge they have on the various knots to use in the boys scouts movement.
Juan Ricardo Poll, President of the Council of Defense in the territory, made an exhaustive assessment of these two days and he said it was a very good work developed by the people from Southern Camaguey. Santiago SantaCruz
Courtesy to Radio Santa Cruz