
Study on Disabled People Continues in Nicaragua

Study on Disabled People Continues in NicaraguaManagua, Sep 4. -Cuban-Nicaraguan medical brigade "Todos con Voz" began the survey of disabled people in Madriz, and has already completed its work in 13 of 15 departments in the country.

The team is formed by 64 Cuban doctors and 25 from Nicaragua that rotate in every department. The brigade concluded in Boaco yesterday the psycho-social, pedagogic and clinical genetics study of disable people. They have visited 161,018 houses and 111,814 people.

From the total of the visited people, 29,014 were confirmed as being intellectually handicaped and the rest with other kinds of disabilities.

Specialists in clinical genetics, neurophysiologists, psychologists, psychiatrics, orthopedics, ear-nose-and-throat-doctors, physiatrists and neuropediatricians are willing to repeat the visit when necessary.

The four Cuban specialists in clinical genetics have visited 29,009 people.

The brigade began its work last year and has already completed the study of disable people from Masaya, Matagalpa, Chinandega, Managua, León, Jinotega, Nueva Segovia, Estelí, Chontales, Granada, Rivas, Carazo and Boaco departments.

Madriz is a small department of barely 854.3 miles, located in the border with Honduras. It is divided into Somoto, San Lucas, Las Sabanas, Cusmapa, Yalagüina, Palacagüina, Telpaneca, San Juan Del Rio Coco and Totogalpa municipalities.

It is part of Las Segovias region, where General Augusto Cesar Sandino fought against the North American occupation.(Prensa Latina)