
Grass-root structures makeup in Southern Popular Councils

Grass-root structures makeup in Southern Popular Councils Santa Cruz del Sur, Jun 3. –The electoral process in Santa Cruz del Sur finished with the makeup of the grass-root structures in the 11 Popular Councils from this southern territory.

In these new boards of directors seven members are for the second time in the term of office, and out of them there are only two women. Besides, all the members are over the high school level average.

Drawing the members composing the community group of each district together, with the purpose of solving the upcoming approaches from the people is one of the main purposes of the Presidents and Vice-Presidents.

The Electoral Process that has just finished reaffirmed the back up to the Revolution and it had a massive participation and disciplines of all the people from Santa Cruz every stage and this showed the world the transparency of these elections.  (Rolando Canaura Sánchez / Radio Santa Cruz)