
WHO Director Closes Cuban Congress on Gerontology

WHO Director Closes Cuban Congress on Gerontology Havana, Mar 30. – Dr. Margaret Chan, director general of the World Health Organization (WHO), on Friday will close the 8th National Congress on Gerontology and Geriatrics, Gerontoger 2012, in Havana.

Chan, who arrived on Monday to attend the internal meeting of the global policy group of the WHO with the participation of regional directors, will also give a news conference.

During the last session of Gerontoger 2012, participants will learn about the results of a study on Cuban centenarians, a research carried out between 2004 and 2008, which included 1,488 citizens over 100 years old, whose age was validated.

This is one of the working strengths, stated Lilian Rodriguez, member of the organizing committee for the event, adding that the study also shows the heterogeneity of those citizens, their lifestyles and how each of them faces life.

Rodriguez also announced the launch of a book about this issue, entitled "Centenarios en Cuba: Secretos de Vida" (Centenarians in Cuba: Secrets of Life), by a group of authors.

The 20th International Seminar on Assisting Senior Citizens, attended by more than 300 experts from ten countries, including Mexico, Brazil, the United States, Ecuador, and France, was held parallel to the event, which opened on Tuesday at Havanaâ�Ös Conference Center.

The forum was characterized by an extensive scientific agenda, in which issues such as palliative care, cognitive deterioration and dementias, professional training and education, were discussed, said Humberto Arencia, president of the organizing committee.(Prensa Latina)