Economists of tomorrow are trained in Santa Cruz del Sur

Young people and teachers of the Raúl Rodríguez Moreno Polytechnic Institute of ecnonomy (IPE), in Santa Cruz del Sur integrally teach and train 246 students. These pupils learn in four years content that they will put into practice in their working life.The teaching staff was created in 1991, and Commerce and gastronomy were the only specialities of the school by that time. The technical carriers of accounting and capital management began to be studied some years later, while those one founded with the institute got out of the syllabus.

Nilvia Rodríguez Guerra, director of the IPE, has a teaching staff made up of 34 teachers, most of them graduated and one of them has a master degree, but there are also art instructors and three take a course for workers.

President and vice president of the FEEM, (Federation of High School Students) Disnaivis Solano Hernández and Anlié Guerra Ramos, speak about the organization at school, where study constitutes a chief concern.

“Having a good spelling and hand writing, having a good command in our mother language is our duty”, said the young Spanish teacher Adislenis Chávez Mora. “We are here to teach them, to offer to them everything we know, urging them to read very often so as to enrich the vocabulary”.

The IPE Raúl Rodríguez Moreno knows what its mission is. There is where the integral formation of the students is achieved, workers of tomorrow in correspondence of the social and economic development of the country, through this education institute and through the service entities. (Iliana Pérez Lara/ Radio Santa Cruz)