
A Young Palestinian of Cuban Parentage Claims Peace for his People

A Young Palestinian of Cuban Parentage Claims Peace for his PeopleCamaguey, Cuba, Sept 26.- Sharing Cuban and Palestinian blood, Abdel Anati is one of so many children born and raised in the context of the 60-year-old unresolved conflict  between Israel and Palestine. Fruit of love between a Camagüey-born girl and a Palestinian, Anati was taken to his homeland when he was 12 month old, and ever since he has not seen moments of rest or peace for his people, in the middle of an armed conflict between the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) and the Zionist army.

My uncle is a martyr of this war. When I was just a little boy, I saw him die.  At present many of my childhood friends are imprisoned for being members the resistance against Tel Aviv’s occupation, he says with a faltering voice.

This undergraduate physician candidate, who is studying medicine at Camagüey Medical University, highlights that in spite of sorrow and so many human losses; the people of Palestine will not waver in their long struggle and support massively the current President of the PNA Mahmoud Abbas, as they supported once Yasser Arafat (1929-2004).

Abdel Anati added that the UN petition calling to recognize Palestine as the 194th member state of that organization is a right for those who live in the land which has been subdued and oppressed by Israel since 1948.

Through decades, the Zionists have taken over the territories initially granted by the UN Resolution 181 to the Palestinians, and any peace negotiation has turned out to be fruitless.

At present, the passing of the ANP request is under discussion, however the United States of America which has been historically an ally to Israel and a member state of the Security Council expressed that they would veto the Palestinian bid for full UN membership.

Statements by PM of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu on a bilateral peace agreement are simply shameful, because over six decades of conflict every conciliation attempt has been broken by the Zionist army, explains Francisco López, official of the Cuban Friendship Institute (ICAP) in Camagüey.

Anati is aware that again the US Government will deny the Palestinian people the opportunity to live free and decently; but their demands will never be silenced because they have the support of many peoples around the world, who know very well where truth lies. (AIN/ Radio Cadena Agramonte).