
Voting at the UNO reasserts Cuba is not alone

Voting at the UNO reasserts Cuba is not aloneSanta Cruz del Sur, Oct 27. –Once again most of the world nations voted for the resolution demanding the need to put an end to the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States against Cuba.

This time it was 197 countries. Only two did not agree the request made by Cuba, and three countries abstained.

Once again the result obtained yesterday reaffirms the desire equity for all the countries and al of us enjoy same rights. Also, with their positive vote, brother countries show and express their interest of trading freely with our country, not existing odds that could affect the development of its men and women.

As in other occasions, the Cuban people feels proud to count on the international support and to know that many friends of Cuba want the chains that do not allow us to develop for more than 50 years to be broken.

The answer given yesterday constitutes a blow for North America, who wants to asphyxiate us, something that won’t happen as long as there is a decent Cuban, committed with this Revolution. (Daine Torres Corzo/ Radio Santa Cruz).