
Cuban People Committed to Revolution

Cuban People Committed to Revolution Santa Clara, Cuba, Jul 26. – The Cuban people''s commitment to the Revolution is greater than ever in the face of challenges, foreign threats and attempts at blackmail, Cuban Vice President Jose Ramon Machado Ventura said on Monday.

  Speaking at the main event celebrating the National Day of Rebelliousness, Machado Ventura extolled the countless examples of confidence his compatriots have in the leadership of the Cuban Communist Party and government when it comes to solving problems.

"We are not afraid of difficulties, because we have the invincible power of the people," Machado Ventura stated, praising the Cuban people's intensive work in the context of an adverse international environment, caused by the global economic crisis.

He reiterated that Cuba is not responsible for this phenomenon, but is suffering from its disastrous consequences as are other countries, compounded by the outdated U.S. economic, commercial and financial blockade that the Washington has maintained for half a century, as well as the effects of climate change.

In these circumstances, as President Raul Castro said in April, today more than ever the economic battle is the main task and cornerstone of cadres' ideological work, because the sustainability and preservation of the social system depends on it, Machado Ventura affirmed.

Food production is an essential front and a main priority of this battle, which is why it is necessary to drive forward on granting idle land in usufruct and advance steadily in the urban agriculture program.

He highlighted the urgent need to make the best use of forces and resources in all sectors of the country's economic and social life.

Regarding education, it has been demonstrated that profound transformations in the teaching/learning process can be carried out at lower costs and something similar can be said about health services, in which much remains to be done to eradicate waste, he noted.

Another task deserving continuous attention is energy conservation, with systematic verification and discipline essential to achieving goals, said Machado Ventura.

He announced that study, analysis and decision-making for overcoming deficiencies in all areas and improving Cuban society will continue.

"We will act without any populist, demagogic or deceptive solutions. We will not be led by any foreign press campaign. We will move forward with a sense of responsibility, step by step, without any improvisation or haste," he said.

The heroic martyrs of the 26th of July, 1953, did not fall in vain; their sacrifice made the triumph of January 1st possible, and "they have accompanied us in the toughest times of the struggle," Machado Ventura affirmed.

"Today we reaffirm our commitment to be faithful to the ideals for which they gave their lives, by changing all that must be changed at this historic time, without accepting any foreign pressure or violation of our sovereignty," the Cuban vice president stated.(Prensa Latina)