Santa Cruz resident takes advantage of the land of his farmyard
Santa Cruz del Sur, Jun 19.- In order to build the masonry house, Juan Arnaldo Caro Tamayo had to fill the space assigned to him with several pieces of rock. The site was a lagoon because of the low relief. But he was in charge of giving the precise height to raise the “palace” of family at the entrance of the agricultural fair of the town.
As a lover of details, he created an attractive garden with his wife in the front of the house. I wanted to do more. At his disposal a patio ten meters wide and 40 meters long. He extracted stones and all kinds of obstacles from there. Fundamentally, he nourished the sterile land with cattle manure.
He applied strength, intelligence, perseverance … The “generous mother Natura” in recognition of the effort transmitted him the indispensable secrets. He planted ornamental and medicinal plants, which he had accompanied by avocado, mango, guanábana, cashew, cherry, cherimoya, varieties of donkey banana, male and fruit, canistel, anon, among others.
It is huge the list of crops that has managed to promote. It is also important to mention chili, chives, pumpkin, half-moon sugar cane, corn, impaled cucumber, yucca and the gentleman’s bean.
He wants to promote vermiculture. He assured that he will ask for advice from specialists in urban agriculture in the territory.
Juan Arnaldo loves to feed on those utilities. He says that in the mornings and afternoons he sits down to contemplate so much accumulated beauty. He looks at his hands and smiles.
A tracheotomy prevents him from speaking normally, so to communicate, a little microphone has been placed on the neck near the vocal cords a year ago. That is the way the jovial local talks, who insists on continuing to do well to the land of his profitable farmyard.(Translated by Jesus Mazorra / Radio Santa Cruz)
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