
Digital television advances in Cuba

Havana, Mar 1st.- Digital television advances in Cuba, where as of today the exit of analog thansmissions of two chanels begins, Educativo and Educativo 2.

This is part of the first stage of partial transition to Digital Terrestrial Television, the Cuban News Agency (ACN, in Spanish) reported.

The transition implies changes in the technological infrastructure to reduce the consumption of energy carriers, ensure the most efficient use and decongestion of the radio-electric spectrum.

This was stated by the president of the Grupo Empresarial de la Informática y las Comunicaciones (GEIC), Ariadne Plasencia.

She stated that in this first stage the process will take place from Pinar del Río to Matanzas, in the western part of the island, and described it as a technological leap according to the world trend.

He said that at the same time, in 2021, 294,000 decoder boxes were produced in the country for the reception of the digital signal and that way almost 39,000 people in conditions of vulnerability were benefited.

In addition, all hybrid televisions were guaranteed for the educational process at all levels of education.

(Prensa Latina)