Cuban Ministry of Education improves measures to fight COVID-19

Havana, Mar 17.- Cuba’s Ministry of Education (MINED) is currently improving some measures in schools to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2 without suspending the current school year.
The measures include that health professionals train workers specifically in recognizing symptoms of the virus, Mary Carmen Rojas Torres, head of the school health department, told Granma newspaper.
The major measures are related to the direct healthcare of children and workers, to isolate them if necessary, or not allow that people with any acute respiratory infections enter the educational centers, she said.
According to Rojas, the surveillance also includes students who present symptoms associated with fever and cough, who will be also isolated as soon as those symptoms are detected, while their family and the health area is informed about it.
The health official emphasized on the need to guarantee that students and workers wash hands systematically.