
Casa de las Americas at Cuba´s 2012 Book Fair

Casa de las Americas at Cuba´s 2012 Book Fair Havana, Feb 8. – Casa de las Americas will launch 30 books, including 13 by Caribbean authors, at Cuba´s 2012 International Book Fair, scheduled to be opened on Thursday, with more than 200 guests from 40 countries.

Casa de las Americas, one of the 12 venues of the fair in Havana, will have a strong presence with a reading club, lectures, roundtables discussions and panels, including a forum on the Caribbean peoples with participation of outstanding personalities.

The Havana-based cultural institution will open its sessions with a meeting presided over by Haitian intellectual Suzy Castor, who will talk about the current situation in her country.

Casa de las Americas has prepared contemporary books from Caribbean authors, following a tradition of more than three decades, including The Negro in the Caribbean by Eric Williams and The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon.

It also will offer the five books that won the 2011 Casa Prize and the three honorary prizes: El rio tiene voces (the River has Voices) by Chilean Ana Pizarro; Poetic Anthology by Kamau Brathwaite from Barbados; and Espejos, Una historia casi universal (Mirrors, an Almost Universal Story) by Uruguayan Eduardo Galeano.

Personalities like historian Alfonso Munera from Colombia; poet and intellectual Chiqui Vicioso from the Dominican Republic, and Esther Philips from Barbados will meet with readers in panels and chats for ten days.(Prensa Latina)