Important Workers’ Union in US Discusses Cuban 5 Cases
Washington, Jun 4. – The International Committee to Free the Five said on Monday that the cases of the five Cuban antiterrorist fighters was analyzed in Denver, in the United States, during the Convention of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).
The presence of this issue in the SEIU National Convention was a step forward in the struggle to reveal U.S. workers and union leaders the injustice committed against the Cuban Five, states a press release from the solidarity group.
After an arduous three-day work of active participation, we strengthen hope that this event will open new opportunities in the workers' movement and other hearings, says the document to which Prensa Latina had access.
Sending the truth to extensive sectors of U.S. society is the key to achieve the total release and return to Cuba of Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando Gonzalez and Rene Gonzalez.
Nearly 2,000 delegates from the SEIU met in Denver, Colorado, to attend its 25th International Convention, held on May 27-30.
The service employees union on health, public and property services is the fastest-growoing union in the country with 2.1 million members in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico.(Prensa Latina)