
Cuba’s Olympic Committee for Strengthening Relations in Lima

Havana, Jun 17 .-The president of the Cuban Olympic Committee (COC), Roberto Leon Richards, has expressed the organization’s interest on strengthening relations with counterparts in South, Central and North America.


Leon Richards will take advantage of the General Assembly of Panam Sports, formerly known as the Pan American Sports Organization (Odepa), to be held within the framework of the continental Games of Lima, from July 26 through August 11, to strengthen ties with the Olympic committees of the region, he told the local media.

According to the former gymnast, letters of intent and initial cooperation agreements can be signed between the COC and interested institutions, and he highlighted the strong links with the maximum Mexican sports committee as an example of friendship, collaboration, and fellowship.

In addition, he praised the initiatives developed by Panam Sports’ new board of directors to get as close as possible to the projections of the Olympic movement and the work to increase the number of tickets awarded by the Pan American Games to the Olympic Games and recalled that this is influenced by the criteria of the world federations of each of the disciplines.

He highlighted the changes introduced in America in order to get in tune with the new projects of the International Olympic Committee. He also alluded to the cohesive work of the COC with the National Institute of Sports in all areas to support the performance of the Cuban delegation in the Peruvian event.(Prensa Latina)