
Ban Ki-moon to Visit Canada

Ban Ki-moon to Visit Canada   United Nations, May 11. -United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon will travel to Canada next Wednesday to meet the authorities of that country and discuss about key issues to UN.

UN Secretary General will meet with Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Governor General Michaelle Jean, finance Minister Jim Flaherty and international co-operation Minister Beverley Odam.

The agenda of the talks include issues related to Haiti to help its reconstruction following the damage of the earthquake last January, climate change and situations in Sudan and Afghanistan.

According to official spokesman Martin Nesirky the Secretary General will discuss about the summit dedicated to the Millennium Development Goals, to take place next September and the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.

He will be discussing a range of global issues and initiatives with a focus on the G-8 and G-20 summits being hosted in June in Muskoka and Toronto cities.(Prensa Latina)