
Camagüey Province Increases Milk Production

Camagüey Province Increases Milk ProductionCamagüey, Aug 27. – At the close of the current month, livestock-breeders in Camagüey province had surpassed the amount of 350,000 liters of cow milk delivered to the industry per day, an expression of how important is this time of the year for the milk production.

Another interesting figure is that by the end of July, the total amount of the milk sent to the dairy industry was over 47 million liters, two millions more if compared to same period of the previous year and even above expectations. This good pace shows that the annual plan which amounts to 79 million liters can be met without major difficulties.

Engineer Edenio Puga Castellanos, representative of the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAGRI) in this Cuban central province, praised the production’s sustained growth and delivering of the milk to the dairy industry, what is an indication that Camagüey ranks first in the production of this food nationwide.

The works aiming at recovering ramshackle cattle-handling facilities within the province and the installation of 14 milk cooling tanks in cooperative farms have decisively contributed to attain such a success. (Raysa Mestril Gutiérrez/Radio Cadena Agramonte.)