
Cuba: Workers Jubilation on May Day

Cuba: Workers Jubilation on May DayHavana, Apr 29. -Cuba´s world wide prestige is ratified this Friday by the participation of over 1000 people from 50 countries to celebrate May Day in Havana.

According to the majority of Cuba´s friends, May Day is celebrated by the Cuban people as a real party, when people take to the streets to celebrate multiple achievements and to ratify their commitment to the revolutionary process that started in 1959.

This day has an especial meaning and transcendence for Cuban workers who are the real owners of the means of production and who do not experience the exploitation of man by his fellow man.

Unlike millions of workers victims of an economic crisis that has raised the number of unemployed around the world, Cuban workers feel proud of their achievements.

As Cuba is going through a process of updating its economic model, President Raul Castro said at the closing session of the VI Congress of the Communist Party (PCC) that Cuba has all the conditions necessary to get out of the current crisis without causing social traumas.

"Our people are patriotic; and know the power represented by their unity, the righteousness of their cause and their highly prepared military; and they are proud of their history and its revolutionary origins", said Raul Castro.

"We will move forward with decision, despite the United States blockade and the adverse conditions in the international market, like the restrictions of Cuba´s access to financing sources and the high oil prices", he added.

Again, the Revolution Square in Havana will be the central venue of May Day celebrations which will be marked by the joy of the participants, many of whom will be wearing red garments. (Prensa Latina)